Happy Anniversary
My parents 40th Anniversary was June 26th. We waited until this past weekend to celebrate with family and friends. My sister, brother and I planned an autumn picnic at their house.
Dad and I were hoping to have the basement remodeling done, but life got in the way of our plans. We have the flooring 3/4 of the way done. After that there are the finishing details like trim work and touch ups. Our next goal is to have it finished by Christmas. Someday we'll reach our goal :) and then we'll start the next project.
Aunt Becky made the cake. She was a little girl when they got married.
Vicki was one of the first friends that mom made when she moved to Wyoming as a young bride. Duane and Uncle David. I know Uncle David was a groomsman, I don't remember if Duane was one or not.
John was definitely a groomsman. He and dad have been friends since high school.
Aunt Chris and Uncle Lyle were in the wedding also. Cousin Dana came along later.
My nephew J is on the left and his new little friend Jacob.
Martha (in the gray sweater) is my mom's dear friend. They grew up next door to one another. Mom scheduled my birth to be on Martha's birthday. Martha's husband is in the stripes. Duane and his wife Karen are the other couple. Duane is an army buddy of my dad's. They live in Ohio.
My niece J and I had fun creating the center pieces. We went on an adventure that morning to go find flowers along the road and in grandma's yard.
All of the gourds and egg plants came from my parent's garden.
And the popcorn and pumpkins came from some of my Marshall-Putnam friends. I think they all looked so pretty. We had 11 flower arrangements total plus one delivered from the florist that morning.
Aunt Pat, Aunt Becky and Aunt Barb were all a huge help to us. Aunt Pat made a Napa Cabbage salad for us (which was everyone's favorite), Aunt Becky made the cake and Aunt Barb helped mom bake 8 homemade apple pies, using the apples from mom and dad's trees.
Uncle Jim helped Dad a ton with mowing and laying tile in the basement.
Oh, another special part of the weekend was that we had asked everyone to bring a donation to the food pantry, rather than a gift. Mom and dad have a huge collect of food to deliver. I took this photo about half way thru the party. I think the pile doubled before the night was over.
I hope your weekend was a memorable as our family's!
Thanks for praying for my friend Kathy. Her liver transplant surgery went well. Both her and her daughter made it thru surgery fine. Kathy had to go back into surgery this past Friday because her liver flipped and was cutting off one of her bile ducks. She is back in the hospital recovering from the second surgery. I plan to go up to stay with her for a few days next week. I'm looking forward to seeing her.
Happy Tuesday!
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