It's good to remember...
What my office looked like
That the To Do List got checked off
There was always room (and time) for visitors to stop and chat
The view was niceYou can never go wrong with flowers
Food and friends are a great combination
Goodbyes are not forever
This is a time of transition for me. Moving from one job to another. Saying lots of goodbyes to 4-Hers, volunteers, co-workers, friends. Even though I know I'm following God's will, I still prayerfully fight against doubts and fears.
My co-workers gave me a beautiful send off. On my last official day in the office, we had a "building" potluck lunch with several former co-workers joining us. Then in the afternoon, they hosted an open house for me. I came home with a book of encouraging notes, a stack of cards, a box full of gifts and a heart full of blessings.
"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to proser you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
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