Oh, I forgot

I forgot I had a blog. 

But I have a feeling you have been just as busy or distracted as I have, because you haven't mentioned anything about my lack of posts.

I'm going to start off easy tonight. I might hurt my brain if I think too hard about my stories.

I photographed a wedding. 
These two young chicks were both Taz 4-H members. I can't contribute their love story to 4-H. They really met at church. We did their photo shoot the day before their wedding at a beautiful mansion, turned into office, near their home. 

I took my niece skiing.
I am the only one in my family who skis. For many years, I took my 4-H Federation members on an annual ski trip. But it has been several years since I have been on the slopes. 
So I may or may not have planted the idea of a ski trip into my niece's head, as we were working through ideas for her birthday weekend.
I'm thrilled to announce she loved it and was great at it. The only time she fell is when I made her fall on the bunny slope so I could teach her to get up.

I went to Little J's basketball game. 
We celebrated my mom's 70th birthday...but you already knew that. 

H2 turned 1

C earned a spot in the Jr. High talent show. 
She sang a solo (it sounded great) and played the piano for the jazz band. She is quite the musician. She takes after her mother with those skills.

Chicago to Champaign Adventure
I jumped back into my youth development role and chaperoned a group of teens on a 3-day trip to Chicago and Champaign. The focus of the trip was to learn more about the "maker movement." I may feature the rest of that story in another blog post. For now, I'll share with you my first 3D printer project. 

I celebrated my birthday.

and finished my mom's Christmas present. See ALLLL of those photos on the wall and china in the cabinet? Multiply what you see by 10 and that gives you a better idea of the depth of my love for my mom. I (with a little help from my sis) spring cleaned all of it. It took me a really long time. 

Babysat these two cutie patooties.

And hung out with this cool chick for a day of adventures to an FFA interview and back home just in time for prom.

The rest of the adventures will have to wait for another night. My eyes are getting blurry. I'll see what I can do about recalling more stories to go along with the photos. 

Feel free to jump in and remind me what has been happening the last few months. 


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