I still need to learn more about my cell phone

The Many Macgees is the name of my vball team. Four of my team mates have the last name McGee/Magee. I'm thankful that they allow a non Macgee to be on the team.

Today's featured RAK is brought to you by Captain R. 

Captain R is a quiet man. He would never criticize my RAK idea out loud, but I have a feeling he was thinking I'm a bit on the crazy side. 

Thankfully, he's used to my weirdness. Or sometimes referred to as high maintenance.

Despite my crazy idea, Captain R still came through. He sent me a text and photo to my cell phone. But sadly, I was not able to transfer the original photo to my computer. I found one that looks pretty similar. 

While Captain R was out for a walk, he noticed a flag had fallen out of the holder. So he replaced it to it's rightful location. 

I'm not sure which is a nicer RAK, that he returned the flag or that he walked home and walked back just to get a picture for my RAK goal.

Go Team Macgee!


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