Sugar coma

I think I ate a few too many sweets yesterday. This morning I woke up with a headache and ended up sleeping until after noon. Yikes! Nutrition 101 says NOT to eat that much sugar. But they tasted sooo good. 

Protein and water are on the menu for today. And discipline to stay out of the cookies and M&Ms.

This year's priority for the family gathering was a group picture. It is a tradition that we missed last year. I am thankful that we successfully accomplished the photo without anyone having a meltdown. C helped organize the photo. Then her siblings had to have a turn. 

As I'm really analyzing this photo I feel like I should make a couple of side notes. C is standing on a step stool. She is not quite as tall as she appears here, but she is getting there. 

I on the other hand am not standing on a stool. I don't even have on high heels. But I look a lot taller than my sister. She must be slouching. 

At this point of the day, my sister went to check on the turkey that had been in the oven for a couple of hours, only to discover that her oven had been turned off. The turkey was still raw. But Super B-I-L came to the rescue and fired up the deep fryer. He stood out in the cold, keeping an eye on the turkey, just so we could have a very nice and tasty dinner. What a guy!

Hopefully, we started a new tradition for our present opening routine. Normally, we just pass them out and tear into them. This year, since we had extra time, we played a little game. The kids passed them all out and then we took turns. When it was your turn, you had to try and guess what was in the package. Of course, points were given because what says family togetherness better than a little competition.

My brother was the least excited about the game. Everyone else had fun with it. 

After you had your turn, you got to pick who went next. Little J and C kept raising their hand trying to get picked. 

I was very impressed with their patience. It was wonderful to actually get to see what everyone got and enjoy their gift with them. 

During dinner we kept the fun going with a new "card" game that my friend Kathy gave me. It is called Table Topics - Questions to start great conversations. 

Once again, my brother was the least excited about this game. Mr Grinch was his role for the day.

Mom got points for this gift. 
C got pinched for delivering the beautiful turkey that her husband cooked and carved.
I can't believe I didn't guess this one. I thought it was a book.
The worst part of it is that I forgot it at my sister's house. Ugh! And I have prime TV watching time this week.
J got this on Christmas eve. We all enjoyed playing with it during the day.

C was part of the entertainment line up. A little song and dance to celebrate the birth of Christ.

That's a little insight into our Christmas day. How was yours?


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