Permanent guest blogger

When I originally started this blog, it was a team project for work. I took a blogging class and the final assignment was to work in a group of 4 to create a blog. For that project we brainstormed a variety of names. The blog was to be about team building. I wish I had the email from our original brainstorming session, because I can't remember any of the other options. However, I do remember where I got the idea for the current blog title. I looked up to my bulletin board and brainstormed every thing that was hanging on it. One of the items that was there (and still is) was a calendar of European doorways.

Tada! A blog title was born.

The team building blog was short lived. My other group members wrote enough times to complete the assignment and then stopped. So I took them off the blog management list and turned it into a personal blog. 

Four years later, my dear friend E.H.B. is joining my blog team as a permanent member. Since she happens to live in Europe it seems fitting. 

You have gotten to know a little bit about her from some of her recent guest posts. She is very creative and has a wonderful imagination. She speaks two languages and gets bored in her English class at school. She would like to be challenged more and learn French instead.

She takes wonderful care of her two bunnies and doesn't even make a face when she cleans out the cages. 

She is learning to play the recorder and sings wonderfully. She is singing in a church musical in June and has a solo.

She is going to pretend to be embarrassed when she sees this post, but deep down she will feel honored and loved.

She is one amazing young lady. I'm excited to blog with her. I think you will enjoy some more stories from E.H.B.




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