A, B, C, D... EHB?

It's been a while. 

A lot has happened. 

Birthdays, deaths, vacations, Christmas,  Easter, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas again. And again. And again.

Small steps and BIG decisions. Made some mistakes and learned from them. Not even practice makes perfect. 

A few inches taller, maybe a few pounds heavier (shhh!), a couple years older than last time.

But guess what: I am BACK!

 Yes, I am back. And ready to write! My very dear and wonderful sister Princess Ballerina (who I miss very much!) motivated A and me to start the blog up again. She wants to know what's going on. 

Going on with what you might ask?

Well... it all started this summer. I graduated from German high school in June and my family and I came to the States in July after 3 years of not seeing our American family or friends at all. Something about a virus...

So, we came over and I got to spend some time with A. One day we were sitting in her living room and A's boss.. let's call him Dr. ERA, stopped by to drop something off. He ended up staying for a little while and eating most of the donuts A and I had just made and we got to talking. 

I told him about my gap year. In Europe, it is quite common to take a year off between high school and college to travel or work or do something valuable with your time. And that's what I'm doing. My gap year consists of different projects. My first project from July until November was a Christian family camp in Corsica, France. Look the place up, it is the most beautiful island in this world!

Dr. ERA - attentive listener as he is - figured out that I had not planned out the whole year yet. There were still some question marks. So, he started brainstorming where and how I could work with him and A. What initially sounded like a joke to me, pretty quickly turned into some very serious ideas and a little more than a month later it was decided: I was going to come work with A and Dr. ERA for almost three months. 

So, believe it or not - here we are. I've been here for almost a month and I live with A during the week. On the weekends I go to my grandparents house and spend time with them and my family. It is wonderful. 

And I've already learned A LOT during this first month. Here some insights:

1. Knock before you enter a co-worker's office. You might walk through an important meeting on your first day of work. 

2. When the secretary says "There's someone on line 1 for you", that is not the same as to dial the number one. That will just cause beeping and confusion. 

3. A's favorite phrase when I'm driving: "STAY IN YOUR LANE!" (By the way that is also my mom's favorite phrase when she is my co-pilot).

4. Aldi is cheaper, Kroger's has more selection. 

5. I have A LOT more to learn!!!


So, I think that should be everything you need to know for now. More blog posts are following (shout out to beautiful Princess Ballerina) - so get ready for some FUN with A and EHB's life as roommates!


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